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Primary-Secondary Education Scholarship Examination -2017 HollyKit: From this website on 09/10/2017, from 14.00 hours onwards till the beginning of the examination, the student's confirmation number and date of birth will be downloaded. From this website on 09/10/2017, from 14.00 hours onwards till the beginning of the examination, the student's confirmation number and date of birth will be downloaded.
PSE-SSE Exam Timetable 2017
State Examination Board Documentary Film
SEB English LQ
Primary-Secondary Education Scholarship Examination -2017 HollyKit: From this website on 09/10/2017, from 14.00 hours onwards till the beginning of the examination, the student's confirmation number and date of birth will be downloaded. From this website on 09/10/2017, from 14.00 hours onwards till the beginning of the examination, the student's confirmation number and date of birth will be downloaded.