INSPIRE Award 2018-19 REGISTRATION STARTS NOW SEE HERE FULL DATAILS Welcome School Authority - Schools participating in the INSPIRE Award Scheme
Under this scheme, all recognized schools in the country (whether run by Central Government or State Government or local body or NGOs), including private schools (aided or unaided), having classes from 6th to 10th (whether all or some), are eligible to enroll in the scheme and submit nominations of eligible children to DST through their respective District / State education authorities on-line/ off-line. Before filing nominations on-line, the concerned schools will have to do a one-time registration process and obtain a permanent registration no. (Application No.) from their respective district authority.
Please select any one of the options given below to proceed
For One Time Registration - CLICK HERE TO REGISTRATION
To file a request to Register for the First Time.
For Resubmission of OTR/Submission of saved file - CLICK HERE
If request for OTR rejected/returned by DA ,and wishes to resubmit request after rectification of defects.
If already registered, Please login to the system.